some funny pics=D  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

memohon maap  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

sorry guys coz xupdate....
n sorry if ada silap or salah(utk raya)
bz gle...
camat pose kt suma org...
jgn ponteng tau...
buka tiap kali azan je...


Posted by smiley_graveyard

setelah sekian lama tidak membukak blog,
didapati ada org komen soh update blog...
bkn xnk update...
xde masa...
bgn pagi, mandi, pas2 g kolej...
ptg, lik umah pas2 tdo....
bgn tdo g mandi lak...
pas2 makan...
pas makan wat assignmnt...
pas2 tdo...
2 laa yg aku wat tiap2 ari...
2 yg xdpt nk update...
blog sndri pon x bukak...
besh lak merepek ni...

u dont get all the things that u want  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

sedih siot xjmpe kasut yg aku nk...
g kt mid, suma xde size...
bli jack parcell yg bese je...
jd laa..
ada gak kasut aku nk pkai g class...
baru 3 ari start class, dah rse nk cuti...

Jack Purcell Vintage  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

i would like to put these on...
hope they are on sale in malaysia

Cool sites  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

korang usha laa site² ni kalo bosan...
best ooooo....

Kuda Nyanyi
klik kt mne² kuda pas2 leh dgr dia nyanyi...
korang leh kawal kuda² 2...
try laa wat lagu yg besh...

Bubble Wrap
web ni utk korang yg ske letupkn bnd ni...
utk sesapa yg nk release tekanan jiwa...

site ni convertkn apa² ukuran yg korang tulis...
then dia gtau pe benda yg sama ngan ukuran yg korang bg...
very interesting =D

klakar gle...
try r =p

site ni utk korang yg hati bunga...
try laa wat bunga yg lawo...

English (its complicated)  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;

But the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.

One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,

Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice;

Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.

If the plural of man is always called men,

Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?

If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet,

And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?

If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,

Why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?

Then one may be that, and three would be those,

Yet hat in the plural would never be hose,

And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.

We speak of a brother and also of brethren,

But though we say mother we never say methren.

Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him

o0o0ohh Kptm  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

dah 2bulan cuti, rse mcm xckup lak...
rse nk cuti je lg....
lg 3 bulan ngadap mmber kolej, lectrr, assignmnt...
lg setahun nk abis blaja...
lama lagi woooooo....
2 all dak yg blaja, slamat blaja...

kne delete  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

aku pnya blog kne delelte...
ntah pasaipa aku pnya blog kne delete...
dah 1 bulan baru ada lik...
baru igt xnk men blog dah....
dah ada lik ni, aku men laa lik...
peace out...


Posted by smiley_graveyard

ni pon memalukan ugok...
korang rse dia saja nk tayang ke apa??
selesa ke kalo pkai benda ni??
x terselit ke??
spe slalu pkai leh laa gtau aku...
aku nk tau ugok...

Liza Hanim  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

kalo ketiak 2 lawa, xpe gak tayang...
bodoh pnya olang...
xtau malu...


Posted by smiley_graveyard

this is how u will get an 'A' in addmaths...

Lucy in the loo  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

i currently support local bands...
i wanna share 2 songs from lucy in the loo(lucy dlm tandas)
fav song gak laa...

Hana wrote,
Lucy in the Loo sudah TIDAK AKTIF lagi. Atas kata sepakat, kami telah buat keputusan utk berhenti sekitar December 2007. Harap Maklum

Jadi mintak maaf awal² kerana sebarang pertanyaan dan pelawaan utk gig atau shows, kami akan hanya senyum atau mungkin kdg² gigit jari, tapi kami tak akan reply...

Demo dan Ep rilisan band ini sudah TIDAK DIJUAL LAGI, so kepada yg nak membeli cd Lucy in the Loo, mintak maaf tapi semuanya dah OUT OF PRINT. Silalah download di mana² yg boleh atau burn/copy/cilok aje dari member² yg ada, tapi ingat, mintak permission dulu, jangan sampai bergolak hubungan antara kawan

Lucy In The Loo - Loser Lullaby (live)

Lucy In The Loo - Selamat jalan

Global warming  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

btol r global warming ni...
ada bukti ooo...


Posted by smiley_graveyard

sexy kn....

Rimau yg meen jmpe kt zoo  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

jgn marah...
u jmpe rimau ni kt zoo kn...

Fakta penting  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

FAKTA 1: Puteri Gunung Ledang
Setelah dikajiselidik melalui sebuah perkuburan yang terdapat dipinggir Gunung Ledang, terdapat kesan-kesan peninggalan dan bukti yang menunjukkan mayat di dalam kubur tersebut ialah Puteri Gunung Ledang. Di sebelah bawah badan mayat tersebut terdapat secalik kertas dan setelah diselidik ia sebenarnya Kad Pengenalan Puteri Gunung Ledang. Nama sebenar Puteri Gunung Ledang yang tertera didalam IC itu ialah Tiara Jeaquelina bin Abdullah.

FAKTA 2: Batu Bersurat Terengganu
Mengikut sejarah, ada seorang hamba sultan Terengganu telah dipancung kerana telah melakukan kesalahan. Namun tidak diberitahu apa kesalahannya. Di atas kajiselidik kami, hamba yang dihukum bunuh itu sebenarnya ialah seorang yang bekerja sebagai posmen tetapi tidak mahu menghantar surat-surat baginda kemudian posmen itu melonggokkan surat dirumahnya. Pulis telah menemui 1,290 pucuk batu bersurat di rumah posmen tersebut. Alasan posmen itu ialah macammana dia nak angkat batu-batu bersurat tu naik basikal untuk dihantar ke penerimanya.

FAKTA 3: Keris Taming Sari
Ramai yang mengatakan bahawa keris taming sari telah hilang dan tidak dijumpai sehingga kini. Namun kami telah menemuinya di salah satu kawasan di pendalaman Melaka. Setelah berbulan-bulan mengadakan ekspedisi mencari keris taming sari barulah kami menemui motor Kris yang ditunggang oleh pakcik Taming yang sedang memakai Sari.

FAKTA 4: Bangunan WTC Runtuh di New York
Sebenarnya bangunan ini dapat diselamatkan dari runtuh namun fakta kami sangat jelas kenapa sebenarnya ia runtuh. Persoalan kenapa bangunan ini runtuh terjawab kerana Superman pada masa tu spender dia basah lalu malu untuk dia keluar tanpa spender dia, Batman pula takleh keluar siang sebab kelawar tidur waktu siang. Spiderman pulak hari tu mengalami kincit perut dan terberak-berak kerana tertelan sarang labah-labah. Manakala Kapten Amerika pada hari tu sedang menghadiri majlis penerimaan pangkat sebagai Kapten. Hulk dan wolverine pula tengah menghadiri interview sebagai pelayan hotel dan last sekali catwomen tengah jahit kostumnya yang koyak. Ini semuanya fakta kenapa bangunan tu runtuh kerana superhero amerika mengalami masalah.

FAKTA 5: Taliban
TalibanTaliban Sebelum Amerika ingin menyerang Afghanistan, sebenarnya mereka ingin menyerang Malaysia terlebih dahulu kerana pada sangkaan mereka Malaysia ialah pusat pentadbiran Taliban yang diketuai Osama Laden. Namun akhirnya mereka malu pada tahap baboon kerana taliban yang mereka sangkakan itu sebenarnya ialah sebuah syarikat telekomunikasi yang bernama Talikom Malaysia Berhad.

FAKTA 6: Karam Sinkh Walia
Sebenarnya takda apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan dia. Saja je aku nak tulis nama dia. Kui...kui... kui...kui. ..kono... kono..


Posted by smiley_graveyard

She is always faster and faster.

Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense .

She remembers everything, FOREVER

Difficult to access

She make horrible thing look beautiful

She is good for nothing but at least she is fun

She forget about you, the moment turn her off

Everyone know that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

Also known as "wife'' when you are not expecting her, she comes, install herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if don't try you uninstall her you will lose everything.. .

Always busy when you need her.


Account premium rapidshare  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

kepada korang yg rajin mendonlot gne web hosting rapidshare, dan letih nk tguu donlot sbb lembab, beli laa account premium... sebulan rm30 je... kalo jadi pelanggan tetap, harga boleh dirunding... contact aku kt ym...

utk cari mp3, movie, software free, join laa

My wife is a gangster  

Posted by smiley_graveyard

this is the 1st movie i uploaded...
it took me bout 2 days...

Directed : Jeong Heung-sun
Produced : Lee Sun-yeol
Written : Choi Hae-cheol
Release date(s) : September 5, 2003 (South Korea)
Quality : DVDRip
Running time :110 min.
SUB Language : English

Sequal to My Wife is a Gangster, My Wife is a Gangster 2: Return of the Legend sees the return of Cha Eun-jin (Shin Eun-kyeong), female leader of one of Korea's big mafia families with wicked martial arts skills to boot. After losing her memory in a fight and having no sense of her identity, Cha is taken under the wing of and cared for by the unassuming Yoon Jae-chul (Park Joon-gyoo) and starts working in his Chinese restaurant as delivery person.

In the meantime, her mafia family is being attacked by another that wants to oust them and take over their territory and her former gangster associates are looking for her. After realizing her own extremely gifted and skillful use of knives and scissors and her ability to easily foil a recent bank robbery, Eun-jin becomes interested all the more in finding out more about her past and who she really is.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

the password for rar file is


Posted by smiley_graveyard

this is my 1st post in my blog...
im new here, so help me with anything...
if got nothing to do now...
i dont wanna work coz i wanna enjoy my 2 months holiday...
